Tagged: NaNoWriMo2014

This is not a Drill!

November is nearly upon us, and with it, NaNoWriMo. And I’ve signed up, for the first time. So. Excited!

If you’re blissfully unaware, NaNoWriMo is a month-long event where you’re challenged to write a 50k novel (minimum) in order to’win’. That’s about 1667 words a day.

So since I often struggle to put out just 500 words a day, and November is already crazy-busy, I thought “Yes! This is a great idea!” I’ve been juggling several plot ideas for “My First Novel”, and since nothing’s yet been published–I’m taking this opportunity to get moving.

My NaNo project will be the first book in a werewolf trilogy, and it’s got everything from a feminist heroine to supernatural shenanigans. Obviously. ‘Cause werewolves.
I’ll be sure to post excerpts along the way, along with moans about how my brain hurts and my fingertips are bleeding.

NaNoWriMo Werewolf Romance

Image by Kaushik Narasimhan at Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kaushiknarasimhan/ Under Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/